Free Pickleball Art, clip art, templates, pickleball player artist.
Greedy Little Dinker and Pickleball Artwear is where I stretch my digital art muscles.
Which are words I never thought I would write. I was anti digital for the longest while, even in music I was the last person onstage carrying around charts and not an ipad but I finally gave in when my book fell over and broke, and a hundred sheets when flying around the stage and on the floor in front of us.
So, I got an ipad and spent the hours required, loading and learning how to use it and I found ways to adapt in music as I have with art, where traded my paintbrush for a mouse or pencil. But in digital I still use my hands to do the work, I make a thrillion mistakes until I get just the right ones in the right place and order together. It's a process that involves far more than just typing sentences, which, if you are an AI artist, is all you do.
I've literally heard people call themselves artists after using AI. "These are my creative thoughts" they chirp as they proudly display some warped version of images mushed together stolen by a computer program that doesn't get the subtleties of creating art it just reads some 1's and zeros and vomits out an answer. I wrote about generative AI on my other blog if you are interested to digress for a moment because I should really get back to why I am here. (Falling down the AI rabbit hole, now I'm confused and possibly becoming a robot.) I just want to share some boring old hand / human created art and tell you I have a
"Free Pickleball Art" facebook page
for anyone who wants to grab some pickleball themed art to use rather than have to use AI. AI makes an organization look cheap, most people can spot it, they don't like it, just don't do it.

So Question: How does this help me? you ask; When it's being given away for free?
My art is being stolen anyhow. And I still have my Etsy shop and ARTist shops on three POD sites (THREADLESS, Society 6, and TEE-PUBLIC) where I put that art together and upload it to make it easy for people to order the art cheaply on to gifts. So people will still find those, as they do.
But for the people who don't need to order gifts they just want to do social media posts or create posters for their tournaments or newsletters or need art for a project. There are free templates you can use which gives you another option besides AI.
So no, I'm not giving up the fight I'm fighting back and once again, adapting, while telling the story of artists, as artists tend to do.
And quality people will continue to hire me privately to do things, even more so if you are sharing around my free art, so feel free to do it. And super besides, I am always able to make more.
