Pickleball Kitchen Party Songs, a pickleball parody sing along book for pickleball events and gatherings!
I'm not the only one who loves a fun pickleball parody, this fact is revealed to me every time I sing something on the courts or share around some lyrics before I play pickleball songs at an event. Even when I don't share around the lyrics, most people will get the call-backs parts built right into some of the tunes. "Straight down the line" for instance, sung to Sweet Caroline; everyone knows when to chime in.

My first set of songs turned into PicKleTEL Volume 1 and I made this fun little montage out of it (which led to the first book and video):
With the first book I brought it to parties and got people singing along:
I have quite a few little test runs a different parties which I've shared on video either Instagram, FB or You Tube. (note: I've shared different videos from each platform, so click the name of the site for links to see each one and search for more)
Based on all the fun I was having in real life, I decided to imagine my next imaginary PicKleTEL record, and so the video for PicKleTEL volume 2 was born...
Being relentless in my mission to spread my enjoyment of pickleball with a dash of art and music, I eventually discovered that I had written another 16 or so pickleball parodies, which, if combined with the first volume of parodies, would actually result in a proper Volume 1 and 2 book! Since the first book was half filled with Art and memes which are now past their sell by date (some of my memes wound up circulating on the bigger social platforms and being shared 100's of thousands of times), I decided to make my next book into a collection of songs only, with just my art as the decor for the lyrics, rather than the focus of any page in the book (translation; filler).
Finally, you can use these on the court, I kid you not. The FUN ZONE...for instance, I sing it every time I've seen an air gift being given away. (It's my special method of chirping my friends, and others have adopted it because I hear them sing it too now). After the point of course not during, don't be weird.
I also like Don't Creep, I sing that one to myself.......and ahem, I'm digressing,....... the point is, you get: ALL songs and none of the fluff in book 2, (so stay away from the first song book and get the full strength option when you are looking for it on Amazon: Pickleball Kitchen Party Songs, pickleball parodies for parties, events & tournaments.
So how else can you use this book? I have opened several tournaments with a quick rendition of one or some of the songs, I've also played music for Pickleball Social events (the latest you can see that by clicking HERE!!)
If you are having clinics, socials, meetings, cruises or hey do you run pickleball travel tours? Why not bring these along on your long bus rides!? Fun! (You can even just get one book and make copies into lyric sheets if you are on a budget, but please don't tell the author).
If you would like to get a large quantity of the books for your group or party contact me the author directly and I will arrange to get them to you at discount.
I was sent these photos from some pickleball ladies in Ohio out on a day cruise:

I'll leave you with this new song from the new book, I haven't shared it yet because I wanted to have the book ready to tell you about! Click the picture of the book above, to find it! :)
And stay tuned there are more from the book, which you haven't seen yet!
Have fun pickle ballers.